This is our page for terms of use for our website We recommend that you read the contents of this page carefully. Use of this site is an acceptance of its rules, terms and conditions. The word website refers to the all pages under our domain.
It is your responsibility to make sure you are old enough to play online (18+). We do not accept or support illegal gaming or less access to online games.
Since we are only an informative site, we assume no responsibility for any damages, losses or costs that may arise from the use of this site and its links. We do not represent any online gaming sites, nor are we financial brokers for games.
All information on this site is intended to inform and inform our users about online games, within the legalized market in Ireland and its latest news. Although all information is true and as current as possible, irregularities may occur. We refrain from liability for loss or damage caused by incorrect information on our website. If you find an error, please contact us.
We reserve the right to change, modify or modify any part of this site, including this site for terms of use. This can be done at any time without prior notice.
Note that can contain links to other sites to give you higher quality and diversity in the resources offered. We cannot and will not be held responsible for the content and privacy policies that other sites may contain.
When you visit this site, these terms are accepted. If you do not accept part of this content, it is recommended that you leave the site.
Please note that all content displayed on site is protected by copyright. Unauthorized copying or duplication of the material violates these rights.